Saturday 22 May 2010

Something Sexy........

Its funny you know, everytime when you want to do ur own business comfortably, He seem to be on your way. Disrupting you enjoying your very private comfortableness moment. WTF.

I dont know wot's happening to my body, perhaps the ageing process or due to the polluted working environment...I go poo poo nearly everyday this week...yeah its like wtf happen?? !!
Then never mind, everytime i try poo poo accident happen.

Case I

Well its around 9pm, I rush to the toilet, slip in carefully not letting anyone to see me. (FYI, production staff are not allowed to use the office toilet, and the production toilet is dirty like hell). See, want dabian also need curi curi, mygod !!!...Still, never mind ,after finishing settling the big business...of course I flush, what you think am I.I'm a responsible boy ok. The 1st flush....hehe, i shall said unsuccessful. Ok nevermind I wait...........2nd flush, walao..the water pressure is like ant to be successful like that.....finally the 4th flush..can you imagine how long I have to stand and wait there..... !!! wtf !!

Case II

Its that BIG business time again...around same time, definately same place. So this time I was more clever (i thought lah), i choose the other lot..hoping finally I can setlle my BIG business fast and efficient this time. SHIT...fucking worst. Screw the damn toilet bowl, screw you flush. This time its stuck...Holy Molly it scared the living crap out of me when I flush and the water level keep coming up...I soooo scared the soup will spill out of the bowl !!! ...I dont know wot to do....then.....

TADA here come the mother of all fairy god mother....the sucker.FYI., this is my 1st time utilizing that very holy weapon. Speaking of it...I just simply use it and works !! Thank God. Amitabha....wotsoever.... !!!

Lesson of the day/week : you tell me !!

I dont know whats this called in "ang mo"
but basically its a crispy fluffy yam crust filled with char siew

FYI, the shop is famous for this...yet i forgotten the name already. oops...

After 30-40 minutes, we reach leepeng's....

Homemade yao char koi

To be honest, this is the 1st time i ever get so near to a paddy field before.
All this while , I thought rice grow on tree..untill now.

looking for bananas? or
Miss Banana??

Actually I was too afraid to stand up...
hey, do you know how broke the stupid bridge is??
so, its safer this way !!!

Sadly, the paddy havent turn yellow at that time
just a vast green plantation
but is still damn breath taking !!

Hiding behind a corn tree...
too bad there's no corn for us to steal.

caught in ACTION...

A stinky beach...
smell of salted fish & the water is brown
& mosquitoes !!!!

a fishing village view Restaurant.

Haha...kong - pao " pee prawn"

Fried Sotong

Vegetable *not interested*

Shark Soup
Its not the typical shark fin soup that we have during function,
well the soup is sourly spicy & hot
for non fish lover definately a NO
the "aroma" is ......significant i should said.

Saturday 8 May 2010

Monday 3 May 2010


- the reason why I rush home from work every weekday -