its been a "industrious" week i would say!!
a week break from exam...
and yeah
life is F.U.N
its been a "industrious" week i would say!!
a week break from exam...
and yeah
life is F.U.N
likser, sengyee,yichEn,leepeNg,yewjoE,tanyeE
tanyEe asked us a riddle...
guesS country capital
"10 ladies go to toilet together"
spontaneously...a daring yet creative video was made that very night!!!
tittlE : 阳光宅男 (our version)
lead singer : mE :P
accompanying : whanliksEr
: OoiyicHeN
wongyewjoE as the lead actor
tanyeE as the lead actress
prOducer : jeEseNgyeE
with lurve and will not sucess without
well, its nearly a week this video was posted both
in youtubE & Facebook
at the meantime 300++ of viewer
lost count of person who like it in fAcebook
and yeah lost count the person who unliked it too!!
to many,
we may look like a bunch of idiot...
but fuck it
we're having a blasT
we don't give a damn bout what you thinking...
truth to be told,
i felt good when i watched the video...
and I'm glad that few like it
really..appreciate it!!!
--------thax guys----------
spontaneously...a daring yet creative video was made that very night!!!
tittlE : 阳光宅男 (our version)
lead singer : mE :P
accompanying : whanliksEr
: OoiyicHeN
wongyewjoE as the lead actor
tanyeE as the lead actress
prOducer : jeEseNgyeE
with lurve and will not sucess without
well, its nearly a week this video was posted both
in youtubE & Facebook
at the meantime 300++ of viewer
lost count of person who like it in fAcebook
and yeah lost count the person who unliked it too!!
to many,
we may look like a bunch of idiot...
but fuck it
we're having a blasT
we don't give a damn bout what you thinking...
truth to be told,
i felt good when i watched the video...
and I'm glad that few like it
really..appreciate it!!!
--------thax guys----------
bowling the next day...
we played 2 rounds..
and the results
1st - jEe seng yEe
2nd-wHan lik seR
3rd- oOi yi cHen
4th- mE ^^
5th- teE leE pEng
6th- tanyEe
7th-wonG yewjoE
wenT to genting for casino job (trainer croupier)...
but failed ~~
cuz we went at the wrong time...
the intake is only at october onwards...
but still...
i'm glad to be there...
it was all misty and windy...
but failed ~~
cuz we went at the wrong time...
the intake is only at october onwards...
but still...
i'm glad to be there...
it was all misty and windy...
leEpeng& me was ignored by likseR & tanyE...
they went in to the casino...
but we find other ways to treat ourselves...
above all done in a week...yeah
a week!!
well think again!!!
this feW nights of ameer ali is the most happiest night i have this term
at least i think...
going to the mamak with you all
sharing, joking,chatting...
congratulations soOnchin...and all the best!!!
for the rest...try your best!!
they went in to the casino...
but we find other ways to treat ourselves...
above all done in a week...yeah
a week!!
well think again!!!
this feW nights of ameer ali is the most happiest night i have this term
at least i think...
going to the mamak with you all
sharing, joking,chatting...
congratulations soOnchin...and all the best!!!
for the rest...try your best!!
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