Finally...the 2nd dim sum meal!! ^^"
have been craving for it for a loong time!!!
Well its at Nilai 3 not a fancy place but the dim sum there
is quite nice :P
and the price is super cheap!!
oops, sorry Bryan Lai Ngan Kee...
According to him, ( a degree marketing student) cheap its not a
professional term..we shall opt for competitive price!!
CORRECTION : the price is super competitive*

pohpEng- the chao pei fuk chuk roll
yewfai- the ball with sotong shred
ngan kee- the fu chuk roll with many thing inside
ngan loong- the ball that have been cut into 4
me- ha gao ^^"
Actually this is the 2nd round, ^^ forgotten to snap pic at the 1st round
cuz we are all starving!!
Its around 2++ when we reach there!!
so...we kinda like gobble everything in !!

*remind me of a matriculatuon friend that came by this name!!Hope she's doing fine out there in the harsh world!!*

You'll be surprised, not only their name sound nearly the same,
their attitude...walao is the same also!!
unbelieveable...think again!!!
#All images above was captured by my phone!!
not bad right...well sorry for accusing you for not taking good picture!!
next time i will not neglect you!!#

1 comment:
!!!!! didn't tell me you got blog! hahaha
anyway, why you named yourself as har gao? you think you suit such a high class dimsum (coz it's prawn) meh =PP
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